Become The Captain
Bring Intimacy Back Into Your Intimate Relationship & Become the Man You Were Meant To Be in 90 Days or Less
Coaching for LDS Men
Sound Familiar?

We are stuck in an endless loop of disconnection and hurt feelings and I have no idea how to change it
You've tried couples counseling and long discussions with each other, but it just seems to make things worse. And you've secretly wondered if divorce is the right solution.
You’re not alone…99% of the LDS men who are struggling in their intimate relationship don’t understand why. Chances are that the very things you think should be helping your marriage are actually adding to the discord.
It feels like my wife and I are distant roommates that just divide up chores and hardly ever have sex
Sex is either infrequent or non-existent. You know you care about each other, but the relationship just feels “off”.
Distance and disconnection in the relationship always shows up in the bedroom too. You may even believe that doing the dishes or setting aside your needs or going along with what your wife says is "winning you points" that should result in her wanting to be sexual with you, but it's actually destroying the intimacy in the relationship.

I constantly feel defensive and angry towards my wife and kids and that my emotions are in control of me...
You're a successful LDS man that seems to have it all together (the career, the calling, the family, the house, etc.), but instead you feel burnt out and unfulfilled and on-edge all the time.
You've handled the stress at work and risen up the corporate ladder or have built a successful business, but you don't know why you feel so out of control at home. And listening to the church talks or elders quorum lessons about how we should be kind and loving and patient and slow to anger don't help and you just feel worse and wonder if there's something wrong with you.
I just keep doing more and more for her, but she doesn't appreciate it and instead just criticizes me...
Maybe I'm not praying enough or reading scriptures enough or going to the temple enough or having FHE enough or serving in my calling enough or doing enough things for my wife in order to make her happy.
You’ve held the "try harder" belief that if you do enough or just the right combination of things that your marriage should be smooth and easy and your wife should be happy with you. You're confused and frustrated why it isn't working or why you're not receiving the blessings that you should be. And why everyone else seems to have it together except you. The Become The Captain Program has 3 simple, proven steps, so instead of getting frustrated and exhausted, you get results.


Bob Smith, Certified Life & Mindshift Coach
Eliminate any block or problem permanently in 20 minutes
System of Transformation
Hi Gents...my message for you is one of absolute hope and certainty that there is a way out. You can heal. You can feel confident and empowered. You can transform your intimate relationship in a very short period of time...and I can help you.
This is not guesswork. This is not theory. This is not just drudging up the past problems or debating about who's right or wrong in your relationship now. This is about you and the proven system of transformation that will work for you too...as a husband, as a father and as a man.
I call it the Become The Captain Method and it has 3 simple steps:
1- Reveal - What do you want? What is the purpose of your relationship? What is your ideal relationship? You will discover you in this process.
2- Heal - A wounded warrior is ineffective on the battlefield. Do you get defensive...that's a wound. Do you feel stressed...that's a wound. Do you procrastinate...that's a wound. Do you stuff your own opinion and supplicate to everything your wife wants...that's a wound. I can help you heal all of it...permanently.
3- Man Of Steel - The skillset and tools to show up with confidence including: In Charge of Your Emotional State, Easily Have ANY Conversation with Your Wife, Confidence In the Bedroom...and MORE.
I'd be honored to invite you to have a free, no obligation call with us to see if this program is right for you. Click the link below and we'll see you on the call.
Compilation of video testimonials of LDS men just like you...

"...my wife had forgotten the dress she needed. Normally I’d have gotten upset and say something that wouldn’t help the situation, but this time I was filled with love and compassion…I am reflecting on how much I’ve been impacted since starting this journey with you and I can see and feel massive shifts within me in ways I never thought possible. Thank you…this is only the beginning of the transformation.”

"Bob was instrumental in helping me work through several personal, life and marriage issues that were inhibiting my happiness and growth. I was reading several books and taking online courses from other people, but I needed something more to break through my barriers."

"Working with Bob helped me get through a really rough spot in my marriage with a sense of calm, clarity and confidence. He helped me bring my best to marriage counseling and to healing the relationship with my wife."

"Bob has helped me uncover incredible insights that have drastically changed the way I approach life."

"For me, the most impactful thing has been learning to have my own back. Loving myself must come first and then I can love others more deeply.”

"Feeling empowered again to take back control of my life…I feel more purpose and fulfillment…and my income has increased…"

"That was a fantastic group call today Bob. That was so helpful…I feel myself starting to speak to my beliefs and seeing it’s all so much more possible.”

"Able to be with such an awesome group of men and being able to redefine my intentions and self beliefs. Feeling good about who I am and what I am becoming.”
Is This Program Right For You?

I am committed to my growth and personal development
I see and want to make a significant shift in my intimate relationship now
I love having fun and want to truly enjoy my life
I am fully prepared to make a time and financial investment in myself
I am ready to be open and contribute to the growth of the brothers within the tribe